Where’s the Epstein client list? Why aren’t you demanding its release?

The next time you read a news story about the Bad Orange Man, or “the latest variant,” comment below it, “Why aren’t you covering the child trafficking epidemic? Are you part of it?” And where’s the Epstein client list? Why aren’t you demanding its release? Mainstream news media runs interference for the biggest criminals. Demand […]

The middle class will be reduced to poverty but the rich will have their money

My friends, if you believe I have any credibility at all, trust me on this: The national debt is the the biggest, most destructive crisis facing us. It will completely collapse our society and reduce it to the level of the most primitive third-world country, except for the very wealthy. You don’t hear about it […]

Why Do People Hate Trump?

Regardless of whether you love Trump, hate him, or are indifferent, one thing cannot be disputed: he takes up space in the majority of peoples’ heads, and he is a phenomenon. Millions love him, other millions hate him. I understand why Trump supporters love him: he’s the anti-hero. He rides into town on a mule […]

One hurricane in 80 years is not a change in climate. It’s a freak occurrence.

The hurricane about to strike Southern California is the first to do so since 1939. Naturally, the Left sees this as that long-awaited proof that they are finally right about the climate apocalypse. But let me ask this question: why wasn’t the 1939 hurricane the sign of a climate apocalypse? One hurricane in 80 years […]

Open borders are bringing contagious diseases to your neighborhood

The same people who totally freaked out over Covid are happy to welcome foreigners with deadly contagious diseases into their neighborhoods. The same governors who locked down healthy Americans welcome in migrants with polio and tuberculosis. And the best part? The voters can’t complain because it’s their party doing it to them.   Ready for […]

Swiss Research Claims There Is a 1-in-35 Chance of Getting Heart Damage from Moderna’s Covid Injections

It’s important to get the JAB or else people might think you’re a Trump supporter. And that’s worse than a heart attack. Here is more from the European Conservative: A new study conducted by research scientists from the University of Basel, Switzerland, and the Cardiovascular Research Institute of Basel (CRIB), hypothesized that “COVID-19 mRNA-vaccine-associated myocardial injury following […]

Can Donald Trump get a fair trial with unbiased jurors?

Can Donald Trump get a fair trial with unbiased jurors? In the toxic political atmosphere hovering over America since 2015, not a day goes by without the news media pronouncing Trump guilty of a wide range of nefarious deeds, real and imagined. But I searched for an opinion piece about fair trials and pre-trial publicity, […]