The middle class will be reduced to poverty but the rich will have their money

My friends, if you believe I have any credibility at all, trust me on this:

The national debt is the the biggest, most destructive crisis facing us.

It will completely collapse our society and reduce it to the level of the most primitive third-world country, except for the very wealthy.

You don’t hear about it on the news or from the government because fixing it would require reversal of many government policies that give away money.

But as the government keeps borrowing, the interest on the debt skyrockets.

In just 10 years (2033), interest will be 14% of the national budget — more than it spends on the military or Medicaid.

By 2042 interest will be 25% of the budget, and by 2052 it will be 40%.

Because the government refuses to slash entitlement programs and most spending is “baked in,” the only option will be to print more money, which will increase inflation.

The middle class will be reduced to poverty but the rich will have their money and the poor will still get their handouts.

This is not a fantasy, it is a mathematical certainty.

Picture of Larry Rogak

Larry Rogak

“Lawrence N. Rogak, attorney, philosopher, climate infidel.”

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