Trump Outlines Significant New Anti-Crime Policy He’ll Implement As President

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Former President Donald Trump recently unveiled a plan to combat the rising crime rate in the United States, with some legislators in Washington D.C. now feeling as though they are uhite House, Trump intends to implement a comprehensive law and order agenda that would grant federal authority for stop-and-frisk procedures and indemnification from lawsuits to assist local police efforts to tackle increasing criminal activity in blue cities.

In an extensive interview with the outlet, he commented that Americans are weary of watching stores being plundered, fellow citizens being mugged or assaulted, and their cars stolen due to criminal reform policies enforced by left-wing district attorneys who refuse to prosecute violations of the law.

“You know, we’re a laughingstock all over the world,” he told a town hall-style event sponsored by the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) and televised nationally on the Real America’s Voice network.

“No other country has this, where our police are great, but they’re not allowed to do anything because they’re standing there watching these kids walk out with very expensive items, destroying businesses. And then the business closes, and they have empty stores all over the place,” Trump added.

The 45th President of the United States outlined a number of new crime-fighting measures, which included creating federal jurisdiction for implementing the stop-and-frisk policies that were initially put in place by then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani in New York City. This resulted in significantly lower violent crime rates within the city.

“You have to also do a stop-and-frisk program,” he said. “You know, we had stop and frisk in New York, Rudy Giuliani did it incredibly. … They did strong but fair stop-and-frisk. And it worked.

“You’re gonna have to do it. And if you don’t do it, your cities, you can’t walk down the street,“ he added. “These people, they go for a loaf of bread, they end up being shot and killed.”

Trump urged law enforcement officials to take stronger and more decisive action in the face of rising levels of violent crime in major cities.

He stressed the importance of ensuring that those who break the law face consequence and are deterred from committing further offenses.

The former president, with an impressive lead over other GOP candidates in polls for the 2024 election, declared his intent to work with Congress on additional measures like indemnification regulations.

These measures are intended to boost police officers’ confidence when it comes to tackling criminal activity and apprehending criminals. Currently, some cities and states are eliminating qualified immunity for police officers regarding their official duties.

“You’re not allowed to do anything because they (officers) don’t want to lose their family, their pension, their house, their wife. … And they say, ‘All right, look, we can’t do anything.‘ They’re told not to do anything.

“And one thing I’m going to do is on a federal basis, I’m going to indemnify any and all police officers from having a problem,” he added. “Now people will say, well, that’s bad, because some will be bad actors. But it’s very few. But we’re going to indemnify the police. We’re going to indemnify the city. And we’re going to indemnify the state. … So that they can fight without having to worry about the fact that they’ll spend the next 10 years in court.”

This week, Rep. Eric Burlison revealed in an interview with radio host Todd Starnes that a growing number of Congress members are sleeping in their offices out of fear for their safety in Washington D.C.

Burlison’s statement follows the robbery and carjacking of Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) on Monday in the Navy Yard neighborhood, where several other Congress members reside.

This has sparked new discussion surrounding the policy outline to ensure the safety of lawmakers while they are in D.C.

“How dangerous is it in Washington?” Starnes asked.

“It’s very dangerous,” Burlison responded. “I mean, it’s insane to even own a car in D.C. because wherever you park, it is going to cost you a fortune, and it’s likely to get broken into and you’re likely to get carjacked.”

“You know, we hunker down in the Capitol building. … It’s a security calculation to actually sleep in your office,” Burlison added.

ICYMI: Trump Attorney: Judge Conceded That the Statute of Limitations Are in Effect – All Transactions That Closed Prior to 2014 Are Now Out of the Case (VIDEO)

Picture of Craig Bushon

Craig Bushon

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