“We The People” must stand up for the 10th Amendment

“We The People” must stand up for the 10th Amendment.: Americans must not allow the superseding of the Constitution.
The 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791, as a part of the Bill of Rights. It states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The 10th Amendment serves as a reinforcement of the principle of federalism, which is the division of power between the federal government and the states. It establishes the concept of reserved powers.

During the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the issue of federal power versus state power was a major topic of debate. The founders were cautious about creating a strong central government that could potentially infringe upon individual liberties, as they had just fought a war against British tyranny. As a result, they sought to strike a balance between maintaining a national government and safeguarding the sovereignty of the states.

The 10th Amendment was primarily influenced by the precedents established by the colonial and state governments. In the Articles of Confederation, the predecessor to the Constitution, powers were mostly delegated to the states, and the national government had limited authority. The founders wanted to ensure that this tradition would continue under the new government.

During the ratification debates, the 10th Amendment was put forth to alleviate the concerns of those who worried about a centralized government infringing upon states’ rights. It aimed to clarify that the federal government only had the powers explicitly granted to it by the Constitution and that all other powers belonged to the states or the people.

Over the years, the interpretation and application of the 10th Amendment have varied. Some argue that it limits the powers of the federal government, allowing states to exercise greater authority in areas not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. This viewpoint was favored by states’ rights advocates during conflicts like the Nullification Crisis and the Civil Rights Movement.

However, others argue that the 10th Amendment is not a significant limitation on federal power, as the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution grants Congress the authority to make laws that carry out its delegated powers. This perspective places more emphasis on the Supremacy Clause, which establishes that the Constitution and federal laws are the supreme law of the land.

In modern times, debates over the 10th Amendment and federalism continue in various policy areas, such as healthcare, environmental regulations, and drug laws. The amendment remains a crucial component of the United States’ system of government, playing a role in defining the relationship between the federal government and the states.

Adherence to the Tenth Amendment is the first step towards ensuring liberty in the United States. Liberty through decentralization.
The Citizens of the United States of America must not allow the Federal Government to any longer supersede the US Constitution.
Picture of Craig Bushon

Craig Bushon

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