No matter how we want to look at the GOP, whether as RINO, not Conservative enough or lost in the wilderness. The fact is, our nation is 30+ trillion in debt, we are distancing ourselves from the Constitution more and more each election. We haven’t won a war, conflict or whatever you want to call them, since we left the WAR department and created the Defense department. Our energy policy is holding our citizens in needless hardship and depleting our ability to hold the largest war chest in the world. The petrodollar is a major tailwind for the US. Not to mention the US has over 150 trillion dollars in fossil fuel assets.

With too few GOP in DC answers to these and many other issues too long to list. You are currently seeing many republican politicians getting behind Trump for the 2024 election since his indictment from the George Soros radical New York DA. But, don’t be fooled by this, many believe that Trump will not be able to run in 2024 and want to be on record as a supporter, so they can LOOK like a MAGA team member to the 70+ loyal Trumpers.
The GOP, if it wants to survive, MUST prove to the people they lost, to the ones that no longer believe in the party of Lincoln. Lets not forget about the Independents, without a majority of them voting for the Republican candidate there is no victory in 2024. The GOP must show they are relevant. The GOP must prove new leadership has arrived and is going to LEAD through example not TALK!