Biden Crime Syndicate strikes again

Biden Crime Syndicate strikes again, this time handing over billions of dollars to the Iranian authorities who must be elated with such successful negotiations…

Biden’s handing over $6 billion to the Mullahs.

This latest prisoner swap will only end up damaging late-stage Rome’s prestige even further. It will also encourage the Iranian authorities to take even more Western hostages, help fund Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, and help to ‘suicide-drone’ Ukraine back to the stone ages (whose counteroffensive has stalled).

Biden is the gift that keeps on giving…

Conspiracy vs incompetence? I often oscillate between the two.

Biden does what disgraced PM Boris Johnson did, handing over ~£400 million in frozen assets in exchange for two British hostages.

If the Iranian authorities are smart, they’ll be looking to kidnap as many American and British citizens as possible. It’s become a financial bonanza of an industry sizing up the weakness of these two dying nations.

“By carving out a pivotal role between Russia and the West, Iran has elevated itself from pariah to a regional power. Once it has nuclear weapons, it will be a global one. And by bribing Iran to release hostages for electoral gain, Biden risks signalling weakness, not only to the Middle East, but to America’s foes everywhere.”

Once again, the decline of the second coming of pagan Rome has consequences. Nations can choose to tether to the Titanic, or find the Ark.

From the Telegraph:
Joe Biden will be patting himself on the back after agreeing a prisoner swap with Iran last week. True: it will mean giving an evil regime $6 billion (£4.75 billion), but these are oil revenues sequestered under sanction laws. So the President can claim that his deal won’t cost the US taxpayer a cent. No doubt he is already looking forward to the warm glow of friendly media as he welcomes the hostages home. Perhaps he hopes to boost his popularity in the race for the White House. But the reality is that Biden’s murky prisoner swap will only damage… Read more
Picture of Dan Hood

Dan Hood

Dan is a Civilisation Cycles Analyst Based in Manchester, England, United Kingdom Michael Haupt 👉 Society 4.0 Dan Hood 👉 Supercivilisaton: Antidote to Dark Age Michael is an "Optimistic Collapsologist" | Tentative title of upcoming book: The Art of Joyous Collapse | Creator of LifeLegacyAI

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