China & India will watch the modern-West woken, wither & die!

Both China & India will watch the modern-West woken, wither & die off through 1. regressed morals (Faustian Pact), 2. detachment from reality (Relativism) & 3. brain death (Education Standards).

These three phenomena are combining to bring down the modern West & they cannot be resolved. The Titanic is already on collision course & you’re on it.

Liberals don’t have children, neither do the woke. They have terrible values, they don’t believe objective truth is even a thing anymore, & mean IQ is falling (look at their core voters, how they behave).

I’d simply ignore “brains” like Biden Inc. (+ supporters) in the deep knowledge that most of them will die off soon. Russia/China will form a formidable alliance thanks to Biden Inc. & adapt to true conditions under own steam, or more apt, fossil fuels.

To compensate for one child policy (you know because of 1.4 billion Chinese), I’ve noticed something. They’re figuring out how to crack the code re human nature. 20th century it was the atom, 21st century it’s NOT AI but human nature.

This is absolutely paramount if you want to stabilize the birth rate in the future. I’ll be studying their demographics by taking into account fertility rates, how they rise & fall. What triggers their rise & fall. Also the code re human nature, cracking it. Most of you don’t understand human nature, nor the science of temperament anymore than you know Quantum electrodynamics.

I’ll show you how you can create superhumans by developing artificial C+ Promoters. Religions are artificial C+ Promoters. “C+” stands for “positive civilization traits” that do things like raise the birth rate.

The late-stage (C-demoting) West will collapse & religion will skyrocket to compensate for the Dark Ages that will envelop. Labour-saving technology will accelerate collapse. There is no getting around collapse given civilizational rise & fall rules. Anyone that argues the Dark Ages will be great, you’re banned from my network.

Late-stage America’s internal decay will accelerate as “C-Demoting” ruling party does everything to encourage (and cater) to “behaviorally sinking” society. Remember scientist, John Calhoun?

Many will choose the Titanic, some will choose the Ark, “hubris vs humility” in our End Times. The few that choose Ark, you will NOT be able to “save” majority on Titanic. Ditch your messianism sooner rather than later.

Are you the type that desperately wants to ignore reality Yes/No? I’ll constantly remind you of it. I won’t tolerate “optimism”, which Spengler et al defined as “modern cowardice”.

Howe warns you that (The Fourth Turning is Here 2023) and Spengler et al was on the right road ~100 years ago (Decline of the West, 1918), Penman et al, really began to nail it as a team of research scientists looking into the rise and fall of civilization’s (Biohistory 2015).

I’m just the messenger you don’t want to hear. Well, you’re going to hear. If you don’t want hear, either listen to 1. Politicians or 2. MSM.

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation

China has repeatedly stated it has no intention of going along with the Western push to net-zero. All the costs of the Left’s climate change agendas will result in no reduction in global emissions. The EPA has America on a path to all pain and no gain.

Picture of Dan Hood

Dan Hood

Dan is a Civilisation Cycles Analyst Based in Manchester, England, United Kingdom Michael Haupt 👉 Society 4.0 Dan Hood 👉 Supercivilisaton: Antidote to Dark Age Michael is an "Optimistic Collapsologist" | Tentative title of upcoming book: The Art of Joyous Collapse | Creator of LifeLegacyAI

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