TEN CLIMATE PREDICTIONS THAT WERE WIDE OF THE MARK: CHAPTER ONE – In the cozy “97% consensus” world of climate scientists, where predictions of the man-made “climate emergency” are a matter of “settled science”, it is sobering to read that the climate scare industry has a long and undistinguished track-record.

1. 1967 the Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted that the “time of famines” had come due to runaway population growth and food shortage, and that the worst period of starvation would be in 1975.

2. In 1970 James P. Lodge Jnr., a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, stated that by 2030 there would be a new Ice Age caused by air pollution blotting out the sun.

3. In 1971 Dr. S.I. Rasool, a NASA scientist, warned that fossil fuel emissions into the atmosphere would cause a new Ice Age “within 50 years”.

4. In 1972 a group of 42 distinguished scientists led by George J. Kuala of the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, wrote to President Nixon to warn of a massive cooling “deterioration” in the earth’s temperature.

5. In 1974 Professor Donahue of the University of Michigan testified to Congress that mankind was “on the verge of a period of great peril to life on this globe” due to damage to the ozone layer.

6. In 1976 Stephen Schneider, a climatologist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, wrote a book called “The Genesis Strategy” “reflecting the consensus among the climatological community” that world food reserves were insufficient to protect against future famine.

7. In 1978 an international team of scientists produced a study published in Nature magazine that saw “no end in sight to the thirty-year cooling trend”. This was later flatly contradicted by NASA whose satellite data suggested a slight warming trend after 1979.

8. In 1980 the Canadian government called for urgent action to prevent hundreds of lakes from being destroyed by acid rain only for a US government report to conclude in 1990 – after spending $537 million of tax-payer’s money – that acid rain was not an “environmental crisis”.

9. In 1988 James Hansen of NASA stated that the “greenhouse effect is now here” and that it would lead in the 1980s and 90s to “heatwave drought situations” in the US. Subsequent precipitation figures for those years proved his prediction to be completely wrong.

10. In the same year, Mr Husein Shabib, Environmental Affairs Director of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean, predicted that the country’s 1,196 islands would be covered by seawater within thirty years.

I will be posting ten more dud predictions by “climate scientists” in Chapter Two.

Picture of Patrick Robertson

Patrick Robertson

Chairman of World PR Group

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