Kari Lake Triggers Woke Mob Again As Tucson Brewery Targeted For Hosting Her Event

In general, politicians and those vying to be elected to public office try to fly under the cancel culture’s radar.

A few noticeable exceptions to this rule are former President Donald J Trump and former AZ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake.

Lake who was narrowly defeated in her bid to become governor of Arizona by Democrat Katie Hobbs in November 2022, has refused to concede claiming the election was rigged against her.

In addition, Lake’s outspoke and unwavering support for Donald Trump has the left looking for every way possible to silence her.

There is even talk in GOP circles that the former popular local television news anchor could be his chosen as Trump’s running mate, should the former president win the 2024 Republican nomination.

On Tuesday the “cancel culture” targeted a Tuscon, Arizona brewery where Kari Lake held a rally by posting frivolous negative reviews on Google and Yelp.

The unknown woke basement dwellers’ posted critical comments on the bar. For example, one “critic” insists they will “never go back” because of the event.

Lake’s rally was to promote her new book, Unafraid: Just Getting Started. She claimed the venue has received “death threats” and had been “review bombed,” which is when a company is given a string of critical reviews for reasons other than the quality of its service.

Lake’s rally, at which copies of her book were available for purchase, took place in a Firetruck Brewing Company venue at 4 p.m. MST.

She was joined by Garret Lewis, a local conservative radio host who claimed “the liberals are just miserable” because of the event.

After Lake’s rally was announced, the business received a flurry of hostile reviews, some of which explicitly said they were posting in response to the event.

One apparently low-educated Yelp user commented: “Never go back. The owners holding book signing and rally for liar and Trumpster Kari Lake. One is a criminal other a want to be Trump. Shame on Firetruck.”

Another wrote: “Quality has steadily gone downhill over the years but hosting Garret Lewis and Kari Lake is just gross.”

Firetruck Brewing Company also received negative reviews on Google, with one triggered soul posting: “Hosted an event for crazy lying Kari Lake. I will be boycotting this business.”

Another said: “Really too bad that this business shows its true colors supporting the hate agenda, won’t be stoppin’ by anytime soon, I feel bad for the employees having to put up with this nonsense.”

In response, the company said: “We are not supporting anybody on either side. We have people that bring their groups to our restaurants all the time. We are inclusive and do not have political affiliations.”

In the end, Lake could care less about the comments from the Kool-Aid-drinking radical Marxists.

In addition, the leftists who posted the reviews about the Firetruck Brewing Company have most likely never dined at their establishment and their collective mob has already moved on to the next person or group who supports the Bills of Rights.

Picture of Eric Thompson

Eric Thompson

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